International Commission

Commission of occupations in world International

In a rapidly evolving global landscape, the commission of occupations plays a crucial role in shaping the framework of international labor standards. One of the key players in this realm is the International Labor Organization (ILO), which has been instrumental in setting guidelines and regulations to ensure fair and just working conditions worldwide. This essay delves into the role of the ILO in regulating global labor standards, explores emerging occupational trends in the global workforce, and discusses the challenges and opportunities in addressing occupational disparities on a global scale.

The International Labor Organization (ILO) stands as a beacon of international cooperation in the realm of labor standards. Established in 1919 as a part of the Treaty of Versailles, the ILO was founded on the premise that social justice is essential to lasting peace. With a tripartite structure that brings together governments, employers, and workers, the ILO aims to promote social justice and internationally recognized human and labor rights. Its mandate includes setting international labor standards, promoting decent work for all, and providing technical assistance to improve labor conditions globally.

COW - The Commission of occupations in world is one organization for worked

The Commission of Occupations in World (COW) stands as a pivotal organization dedicated to the advancement of global workforce development. Established with a profound mission and a robust structure, COW plays a crucial role in shaping occupational standards, labor policies, and future workforce strategies worldwide. This essay delves into the history, functions, and impact of COW, shedding light on its significant contributions to the global job market.

The establishment of COW dates back to the mid-20th century, a time marked by rapid globalization and the need for international cooperation in the labor sector. Founded with the vision of promoting equitable and sustainable workforce practices, COW's mission revolves around conducting research on global occupations, providing recommendations for workforce development, and fostering collaboration with governments and international organizations. The structure of COW comprises a diverse team of experts from various fields, ensuring a comprehensive approach to addressing the complexities of the global job market.

International Commission Opening of the parliament  (ICO)

International Commission Opening (ICO) in the governments

International Commission Openings (ICO) play a crucial role in the operations of governments by facilitating international cooperation and diplomacy. This essay will delve into the purpose, functions, structure, and impact of ICO within governmental frameworks. By examining the definition of ICO, its role in promoting peace, security, and development, as well as its organizational structures and decision-making processes, we can gain a deeper understanding of the significance of ICO in contemporary governance. Furthermore, an analysis of the effectiveness, challenges, and potential improvements of ICO will shed light on the complexities of international relations and the role of ICO in shaping governmental operations.

Harald V.

The Societies Member's 

Open Government Partnership

Open government refers to a new vision of Public Administration, which promotes projects and actions aimed at increasing transparency, fighting corruption, encouraging social participation and developing new technologies that make governments more responsible for their actions and prepared to meet the needs of citizens.

Based on these ideas, understanding around the concept of open government was strengthened. The concept, however, was only popularized and disseminated in 2009, when the President of the United States, Barack Obama, formulated the “Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government”, which aimed to promote a more transparent, participatory and collaborative government system.

Since the 2000s, several debates around the need to change the existing model of relationship between government and society have been held within the scope of public administration in several countries. The discussions sought not only to stimulate the creation of an environment favorable to the construction of a new political culture, based on collaboration and joint work between citizens and the State, but also to promote the development of more participatory forms and management tools.

The desire to build a new reality in this sense began to take shape in 2011, when eight countries - South Africa, Brazil, the United States, the Philippines, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway and the United Kingdom - founded the Open Government Partnership (in English, Open Government Partnership – OGP).

Despite practical and conceptual differences, several international organizations have also worked to promote open government guidelines, whether through the implementation of training and capacity building programs, or through financing projects or publishing materials. Among these organizations, we can mention the Organization of American States – OAS, the Inter-American Development Bank – IDB, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development – OECD and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean – ECLAC.

Openness Congress and Parliament Mastership & Kingship

Openness Congress and Parliament Mastership & Kingship of legislative bodies

In the realm of legislative bodies, the concepts of openness, mastership, and kingship play pivotal roles in shaping the functioning and dynamics of Congress and Parliament. This essay will delve into a comparative analysis of these concepts within the contexts of Congress and rParliament, examining the nuances of transparency, decision-making processes, presiding officers' roles, executive-legislative relationships, and the broader framework of checks and balances. By exploring these aspects, we can gain a deeper understanding of how these institutions operate and interact within the democratic framework.

When comparing the level of openness in Congress and Parliament, one must consider the transparency in decision-making processes, accessibility to legislative information for the public, and the extent of public participation in legislative debates and hearings. In Congress, the legislative process is relatively more transparent compared to Parliament, with live broadcasts of sessions and committee meetings. Additionally, the availability of legislative documents and reports online allows for greater accessibility and scrutiny by the public. Public participation is also encouraged through public hearings and consultations on proposed legislation, ensuring a more inclusive approach to lawmaking.

The desire to build a new reality in this sense began to take shape in 2006, when fourteen countries and territories - Germany, Portugal, Austria, Finland, Ethiopia, Australia, Sweden, France, Denmark, Counted Kingdom and Floyal on Unitary States, Unified Kingdoms, Loyal Kingdom, Kingdom United Kingdom and Royal Kingdom - established the Openness Congress and Parliament Mastership & Kingship (in English, Openness Congress and Parliament Mastership & Kingship – OCPMK or OCM).

Between Parliament and Congress, the legislative process is relatively more truncated according to the opening model, with interviews in online sessions and meetings of these committees. Furthermore, the availability of legislative documents and line reports allows for greater confirmation and clarification of the confidentiality of public data. Social participation is also encouraged and reserved for public hearings and consultations on proposed legislation, ensuring a more inclusive approach to legislation and the electorate's consent to the effective fulfillment of the duties of public servants who actually decide and govern public power, as they it reserves to govern duties and the people exercise the enjoyment of rights and transparency of control and information responsibility of accounts and other organizations.

Openness Legate Lordship

Openness Legate Lordship making governance

In the realm of lordship, the concept of openness plays a crucial role in shaping relationships between lords and their subjects. Openness in lordship refers to the transparency, accessibility, and willingness of a lord to engage with and involve their subjects in governance and decision-making processes. This essay delves into the significance of openness in lordship, the role of legates in facilitating this openness, and the challenges and benefits associated with this dynamic.

Openness in lordship has been a fundamental aspect of governance throughout history. In medieval times, for instance, feudal lords who maintained an open communication channel with their vassals were more likely to garner support and loyalty. This openness often manifested in the form of regular meetings where vassals could voice their concerns, suggest changes, or seek redress for grievances. In literary works such as Shakespeare's "Henry V," the king's openness to hearing the perspectives of his advisors and soldiers exemplifies the positive outcomes of such transparency in lordship.

Openness Legislate Lordship realm governance

In the realm of governance, the concept of legislative openness stands as a pillar of democratic values and principles. The transparency and accessibility of legislative processes play a vital role in ensuring accountability, fostering public trust, and promoting citizen participation in decision-making. This essay delves into the significance of legislative openness in promoting democratic governance, the implications it has on public trust and participation, as well as the challenges and potential solutions in enhancing transparency within legislative bodies. By exploring these aspects, we can better understand the essential role that openness plays in upholding the democratic ideals of modern societies.

The desire to build a new reality in this sense began to take shape in 1986, when nine countries and territories - United Nations, Royal Nations, United Nations with in the "Onited Nations", Lower Nations and Outing Nations some one Loyal Nations in Unitary States, Unified Kingdoms, Loyal Kingdom, Kingdom United Kingdom and Royal Kingdom - established the Legislative Legacy Lordship of Opening (in English, Openness Legate and Legislate Lordship – OLLL or OL).