Clinical Trials Books

The existence of life

The fruit of paradise

The universe's answer

The listener's flock

People's Keys

Daniel and Abner the existence of life

Zadok and Ayaan the fruit of paradise

Mardokai and João the universe's answer

Ashumyel and José the listener's flock

Geomap Books

Greece and Denmark Portugal and Macedonia 

Abner son of Leonidas Al-Immahn Ibrahim

Daniel son of Quentin Al-Emmanuel Manuel 

Hoseas son of Philip Aleksandrós Philip

Douglas son of Karl Oleksandrós Charles 

               Vreshua and Yeshua


     Assurdaninpal Davidashumyel  

             Abner Joshua   


    Arossa and Acrono⁵ Odisey Obede⁶

              Aron³ Ulysses⁴

     Ibrahim and Imånuel David and Levi

                   Assur David


        Metzíilaava and Mirëíidevee


                    Håel and Gäel           


        Mirëíilavee and Metzíideeva


                 Armon and Jamil          

  Pat and Pia Yaguruma and Yiashima 

      Fidelia¹ Kuná² 

Pedro Moïse Lèi and Îob


       João Ayaan 

Armonmardokai Al-Jamilzadoke


             Yeshua and Vreshua

Imånuel husband of El-Jamilzadoka

Ibrahim husband of Armomardokeia

Assurdaninpal wife of Yaguruma 

Davidashumyel Yiashima's wife.